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Does Cigna Pay For Vasectomy Procedures?

March 3, 2015

If you have Cigna and are considering a vasectomy procedure then you may have wondered ‘Does Cigna pay for vasectomy?’ .

Cigna-and-vasectomyThe answer to this question is… most likely!

His Choice has recently begun to accept Cigna for vasectomy procedures and we want potential vasectomy patients to be aware of the recent addition of Cigna to the health insurances we are able to accept for vasectomy procedures.

We currently accept all forms of Blue Cross Blue Shield plans (even out of state BCBS) and are working on adding Aetna at this time. The only BCBS plan ware cannot accept is the Blue Value plan.

We have now partnered with Cigna and are able to accept Cigna as payment for vasectomy.

Cigna and vasectomy procedures: What you need to know?

Anyone who is attempting to use health care to pay for their vasectomy should understand most insurances will pay for vasectomy; however, the answer to ‘Does insurance cover vasectomy?’ is not always a straightforward answer.

Does Cigna cover vasectomy?

Cigna does cover vasectomy but how much coverage an individual has depends on several factors and individual Cigna plans may vary. Currently it is safe to assume you probably have vasectomy coverage; however, the two main questions you need to have answered are:

1. What is your deductible?
Some plans have high annual deductibles, i.e. $2,500 per year. This means a person who has such a plan must make monthly payments for their health care coverage and also must pay directly out of pocket for any health care related expenses until the person pays a maximum of $2,500 in that year. After they meet their maximum deductible then the health insurance plan will cover their visits or procedures for the remainder of the year. At the beginning of the year the amount paid towards the deductible resets to zero and you must start all over again.

2.Where are you in your deductible contribution for the year?
If you have not paid anything towards your deductible you may have to pay for most, if not all of your vasectomy. If you have meet your deductible then you may not need to pay anything for your vasectomy but once January 1st rolls around then it all starts again!

3. Is the procedure in an office or hospital?
Sometimes plans will preferentially cover procedures in the office but not in a hospital. For some health insurances, if procedures are in a doctor’s office then the patient will need to only pay an office copayment but if the procedure is being done in a hospital setting then you may have to pay an amount up to the limit of your annual deductible.

The only reliable answer to what your plan covers can only be obtained from your health insurance company.

Does my insurance cover vasectomy?

The best way to determine if your insurance can cover vasectomy is to call them. Often this is more painful than the actual vasectomy but it is the best way to find out the answer.

You will need to provide them with these codes:

Diagnosis code Z30.2
Procedure code 55250

If you are having a vasectomy procedure at a Personal Choice with Dr. Monteith you may need to inform your health insurance company your vasectomy procedure is performed within the office.

Will Cigna pay for vasectomy?

Cigna will now pay for vasectomy procedures at His Choice in Raleigh, North Carolina. Dr. Monteith is now offering His Choice vasectomy to Cigna health insurance members.

To see how to schedule your vasectomy procedure now visit: Scheduling Your Vasectomy

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