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The Best Doctor For No Scalpel Vasectomy Near Richmond Virginia

March 17, 2023

are-you-looking-for-no-scalpel-vasectomy-near-richmond-virginiaIf you are looking for no scalpel vasectomy near Richmond Virginia then you should look into Dr. Charles Monteith of His Choice No Scalpel Vasectomy in Raleigh, North Carolina.

You only have to have a vasectomy once in your life…if you are lucky! If you are like most guys you probably want it done right.

Trust us… you don’t want your family jewels to swell up like oranges and be out of work for two weeks. You certainly don’t want to have a vasectomy failure. There are too many stories out there about these kinds of things.

If you want the best no scalpel vasectomy procedure possible then you need to look for a doctor offering and specializing in minimally invasive vasectomy.

Dr. Monteith is offering the newest no scalpel vasectomy procedure available: His Choice No Cut No Scalpel Vasectomy.

Although his office is located in Raleigh, North Carolina, many patients drive from other states to have their vasectomy procedures with Dr. Monteith

So instead of having a no scalpel vasectomy near Richmond, you should schedule a single visit vasectomy procedure in Raleigh. It is only a short drive south of Richmond!

Vasectomy Near Richmond VA: Two big problems

We constantly see patients who drive from Virginia to have their vasectomy with Dr. Monteith. Why? These patients all comment on two big problems they have faced when looking for a vasectomy in the state of Virginia:

  1. Extremely long wait times
  2. High costs of procedures

Wait times for appointments

Most of our patients from Virginia tell us vasectomy seems to be monopolized by a large urologic group. When men call they cannot always get someone on the phone and when the leave messages their messages are not often returned. Many of these men say when they do get a person on the phone that person often knows very little about the types of vasectomy being performed and the actual cost of the vasectomy procedure.

wait-times-for-a-vasectomy-consultation-can-be-six-monthsMen are usually given their first appointment for a vasectomy consultation three (3) to six (6) months from the time they get a live person on the phone to make their appointment!

Now if you are like some men and are not really looking forward to getting a vasectomy you may be just fine with waiting six months for a consultation…but many men would prefer to just jump in and get it done.

It is unfortunate these men have to wait so long for a consultation…because while they are waiting they take the chance they could always experience just what they are trying to prevent…an unplanned pregnancy!

Cost of vasectomy procedures

Most men in Virginia are quoted around $2,500 for a vasectomy procedure. We have heard some quotes as low as $1,200 and some quotes as high as $5,000.

Now many of you are reading this and are saying..”No problem. I have health insurance!”

Yeah..but guess what? If you have a high deductible plan…say a $5,000 annual deductible guess who is paying for the first $5,000 of the cost of the procedure?

Wait Times For Single Visit Vasectomy Appointments

Most of our patients can get on our schedule within two weeks of visiting our website.

For a very short time after the Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health Decision (the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe V Wade), our soonest available appointment was about three (3) months out. Since that tsunami has subsided we are now back to our typical wait period of 1 to 2 weeks to get a single visit vasectomy appointment.

Not only can you get a quick appointment with us but you can get it all done in one visit. How cool is that?

Most vasectomy doctors require that you have at least three appointments for a vasectomy:

  1. Consultation
  2. Vasectomy procedure
  3. Post-vasectomy semen sample

Often you will have weeks or months in between all of these appointments… so lots of time to think about it!

One big advantage to seeing us is you can schedule a vasectomy procedure to be done all in one visit!

anxious-man-waiting-for-his-vasectomy-appointmentThere is a lot of anxiety for most men when having a vasectomy.

Thinking about it causes anxiety. Calling and making the appointment causes anxiety. Waiting for the appointment causes more anxiety.

The day your procedure arrives your anxiety level will be off the chart!

How do you think you are going to feel when you have to wait several weeks for that unnecessary consultation, wait several weeks/months for your vasectomy procedure, and then go to that second appointment to get snipped?

Most doctors require multiple appointments. Dr. Monteith allows you to read his website, watch his videos (took a lot of time to create those) and then jump in for the …one and done! It will be over before you know it.

We have had some patients schedule their vasectomy procedures in Richmond Virginia and then schedule a vasectomy with us. The irony is that by the time these guys have a vasectomy with us…and also send us their semen sample by mail three (3) months later….that is about the time they would have had their first appointment in Richmond for their vasectomy consultation. Talk about crazy!

Wouldn’t you rather just jump into the cold pool and it get it over with?

What if you want a consultation before your vasectomy? If you do then that can easily be arranged. Not a problem.

Dr. Monteith does offer consultation visits for men who want more information about vasectomy provided via the traditional MD consultation.

His Choice No Cut No Scalpel Vasectomy

The His Choice No Scalpel vasectomy technique involves:

  • No needle
  • No scalpel
  • One skin opening
  • Long acting anesthesia
  • Consultation not required

This is one of the easiest and least invasive vasectomy procedures. You can do it in one visit. It will be over before you know it. You will be back on your feet in no time with this innovative approach to no scalpel vasectomy.

His Choice No Cut Vasectomy is a modern vasectomy technique: no scalpel, no needle, single opening, and using 72 hour, extended release local anesthetic. Frozen peas and ice are not required.

Nothing is removed from your body during a His Choice No Cut Vasectomy procedure.

For a brief introduction watch the following video.

Not only is this vasectomy procedure minimally invasive but it is also offered during a single office visit. Office consultations are optional. Most men choose to come for a single visit vasectomy procedure.

Vasectomy offered during a single office visit is one aspect that makes this vasectomy procedure appealing to patients.

Less time to worry and less time to be anxious about a procedure most men are not eagerly looking forward to have!

His Choice: No needle vasectomy procedure!

During most vasectomy procedures, doctors use a needle to administer the local anesthetic. If not done correctly this can cause unnecessary discomfort. Most doctors are not familiar with the best techniques required to administer anesthesia using a needle. Unfortunately, this lack or knowledge causes unnecessary discomfort to some patients.

His Choice No Cut vasectomy is a NO NEEDLE vasectomy technique. How can anesthesia be given without a needle?

No Needle MadaJet vasectomy anesthesia device

During a His Choice no needle vasectomy, the doctor uses a small hand held applicator called a MadaJet.

This is a small device that uses air pressure to gently push the local anesthetic through the scrotal skin and around the vas deferens. The MadaJet is similar to devices military doctors use to provide vaccinations to large numbers of soldiers.

The MadaJet uses air pressure to push the anesthetic through the skin. Most men describe the discomfort similar to being snapped on the skin with a small rubber band.

Some patients may find it slightly uncomfortable but the discomfort is minimal: it is quickly felt and then is instantaneously gone.

The anesthetic used during this no needle vasectomy technique lasts for approximately four (4) hours.

His Choice: No scalpel vasectomy procedure!

Traditional…or old school vasectomy…uses a scalpel to make a small opening in the skin.

Most doctors will use a scalpel to make a small incision on each side of the skin. Unfortunately skin openings made with a scalpel cause full thickness damage to the skin and requires sutures to close. Men who have a scalpel vasectomy often experience more discomfort and pain during healing. Healing takes longer and there are higher chances of bleeding and infection.

His Choice No Cut is truly a no cut, no scalpel vasectomy procedure. During a His Choice Vasectomy, the doctor uses a small pointy device called a no-scalpel dissector to make a single, small opening in the middle of the scrotum. The skin is spread open… not cut open. This makes a big difference.

For most men recovery is much faster from a no scalpel vasectomy.

When the skin is spread open this does less damage. Spreading takes advantage of the natural elasticity of the skin.

You can easily stretch the skin open. After the no scalpel vasectomy procedure, the skin will gradually shrink closed. In most cases the skin opening will be closed within 24 to 48 hours. No sutures are required and this greatly speeds the healing process. Men have less pain with a no scalpel vasectomy.

His Choice: Vasectomy done through single skin spread opening

Most doctors will make two openings on the scrotum to complete a vasectomy: one opening on the right and one on the left.

During a His Choice Vasectomy, a single small spread opening is made in the center of the scrotum. There is no need to make openings on both sides. One opening can be made in the middle….and each tube can be moved towards the center. The vasectomy can be completed on both sides through a single skin opening.

Why make more than one skin opening when it is not necessary? A single skin opening means less damage, less pain, no stitches and a quicker recovery. What more can you ask for?

His Choice: Open ended vasectomy

During a His Choice Vasectomy the lower divided end of each tube is allowed to remain open. Don’t misunderstand…this vasectomy is one of the most effective vasectomy techniques with a very low rate of failure (<0.05%).

Each tube is divided with coagulation (burning). The inside of the top of each tube is lightly coagulated with a hand held coagulation device. This allows the upper tube to heal closed more quickly. Small titanium clips are placed between the two divided ends and this prevents them from reconnecting.

Most doctors close the lower end. This results in a sudden increase in pressure in the lower end and more pain and discomfort for some men as they heal.

A His Choice No Cut Vasectomy is an open ended vasectomy technique…this means the lower end is allowed to remain open. Leaving the lowed end open allows fluid and sperm to slowly escape from the lower end. The lower end will slowly heal closed…the key word is slowly!

With an open ended vasectomy there is less pressure in the lower end, less pain from epididymal swelling, and quicker recovery.

His Choice No Cut: Long acting local anesthesia

exparel-anesthetic-is-used-for-no-scalpel-vasectomyHis Choice No Cut is a no scalpel vasectomy procedure using a 72 hour long acting local anesthetic.

Exparel is administered towards the end of the procedure.

A small amount is infused around each vasectomy site. This allows the vasectomy sites to be bathed in a long acting anesthetic so patients have a quicker recovery during the time they are most likely to experience discomfort.

Have your HIs Choice No Cut vasectomy on a Friday and you will be back to normal activity by Monday!

Still want a no scalpel vasectomy near Richmond VA?

If you persist in having a no scalpel vasectomy near Richmond VA then you should be able to make it happen.

this-guy-is-happy-he-had-a-his-choice-no-scalpel-vaectomyWe recommend you search Google maps and look for local doctors. You should be able to find a few offering vasectomy.

Also while you are at it then check out their reviews. See if you like what you see? If you don’ like what you are seeing then drive on down to us to have the easiest vasectomy possible.

You can drive yourself to Raleigh, NC or even bring a driver if you are worried. You can have one visit and you can have the best vasectomy procedure in less than 15 minutes. You will be back home before you know it.

If this appeals to you then you should schedule your vasectomy with Dr. Monteith in Raleigh, North Carolina.

For more information: Scheduling No Scalpel Vasectomy

You will be making a good choice when you have a single visit vasectomy with Dr. Monteith. Your down time will be minimal and you will be back on your feet and doing your normal activities in no time!


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Your questions about our services will be answered directly and promptly by our staff or Dr. Monteith. We will not respond to general medical questions or if you are a patient of another practice and are contacting us because you are not getting answers from your physician.

If you have been a patient at our center and have specific questions about your medical care you should contact the staff directly at (919) 977-5060.

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His Choice Vasectomy Raleigh
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